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Hi friends and family,

I’m going to AFRICA! I’m super excited to announce that in January 2022, I am headed to South Africa, eSwatini, and Lesotho with the World Race. For 3 months, I get to be the hands & feet of Jesus, spread His goodness, and love on others. Jesus very clearly placed this mission trip on my heart, and I know that this is exactly where I’m called to go after graduation. I cannot wait to see how God uses me and my team.

What’s the World Race?

The World Race is a program through Adventures in Missions, an interdenominational nonprofit missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer, and the relationship between God and His people. My team and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities around the world with the goal of bringing the Gospel and Jesus’ love around the world. Our ministry will be anything from providing basic needs and care to those in poverty, working in orphanages, educating children and young adults, ministering to the community, and bringing hope of the Father’s love to many tribes and nations. For me and my team specifically, our mission field will be in Africa where we with partner with Impact Africa, AIM eSwatini Base, and Africa 4 Jesus Lesotho ministries.

How you can help:


Prayer is one of the best ways you could contribute. I hope that you would consider walking alongside me and my team in this next season in prayer that we would be willing to step out of our comfort zones and help open the hearts of others to His word. We will encounter many people who have not experienced Jesus’ love. Please pray that we can use their stories to make connections and form lasting relationships. Please also pray for me and my team, that we could delight in our community together, grow together, and use our gifts for His glory.


All participants are required to raise financial support to cover the cost of the trip. In order to go to on this trip I will have to raise a total of $6,750. This money will cover all of my travel, lodging, food, and insurance. I hope that you would keep me in your prayers and consider donating towards my funding.   

Here are the ways you can financially support me:

  1. Via my blog ( this is a place where you can donate and also where I will be updating everyone while I am on my trip. You can subscribe to it for notifications whenever I post!
  2. Via Venmo @Kelly-Nydahl and I will transfer all funds to my WR account.
  3. You can send a check in the mail (see address below), addressed to Adventures in Missions with my name on the memo line.

Adventures in Missions

P.O. Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

In whatever ways you can support me, THANK YOU. I feel so blessed to have the most amazing support system. God has been SO good to me. Please reach out to me (952-217-7249 or [email protected]) with any questions or words of encouragement. I cannot wait for this journey ahead.

With love,


**Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax-deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.

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