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Hello friends, family, and fellow World Racers!

I’m Kelly 🙂 I am 22 years old and one semester away from graduating from the University of Minnesota! I am studying developmental psychology with a minor in neuroscience. Upon receiving my bachelor’s degree, I plan to attend graduate school in order to become a pediatric occupational therapist.

Deciding what I wanted to do with my life didn’t come easy for me and I was honestly rejected from the route that I wanted to take. I know now that this was God prompting me to follow the plan He had handcrafted for me. How cool is that? I have fallen in love with the OT profession and I know God will use me in amazing ways to care for His people.

To know me is to know I LOVE kids. Whether babysitting the families I’ve grown up watching, volunteering in the 2-year-old room at church, or being a therapist to kiddos with autism spectrum disorder, my heart is the fullest when I’m around them. They’ve taught me to take many new perspectives on life and how to have a childlike faith.

So… why the World Race? Since my sophomore year of college, I have felt this prompting to finish up my undergrad degree early. Many people I talked to about this told me to take advantage of the full 4 years of college and make the most of the “best years of my life”. Even my academic counselor advised against it. Though, I decided to ignore these voices and challenge myself to very heavy-loaded semesters (one being 20 credits!). I didn’t know it at the time, but that prominent voice that stood out from the others, telling me to push through and finish up a semester early, was God. He knew how badly I wanted to serve on a mission trip and how much my soul was craving a Christian community. He knew of the big plans He had for me with my future career, and He made the timing work so that I could serve before grad school. He knew that the World Race was exactly what I needed.

So, here I am. I could not be more excited to announce that I’ll be headed to South Africa, eSwatini, and Lesotho for 3 months, come January 2022. The Lord has been putting this location on my heart and I feel more led than ever that this is the trip that I’m supposed to go on.

I cannot wait to see how the Lord uses me on this trip. I know that He’ll push me to grow in relationship with Him, while also challenge me to share the light He has instilled in me and expand His kingdom.

God is SO good. Whether you’ve stumbled upon my page or you know me personally, I’m so glad you’re here. I can’t wait to walk along this journey with all of you.

You are all so loved.



One response to “About Me :)”

  1. I am so impressed with your vision, commitment, drive and most of all your faith and 100% trust in God. You are so right….you put your trust in him and he has put you on an amazing path. Myrna and I are so proud of you and cannot wait to here about your adventures in January and Nashville.
    Love you.
    Uncle Tim and Aunt Myrna

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